TimePilot Support Center

Need support for your TimePilot Cloud-based system?
E-Mail us using the link above or call us at 630-879-6400!

Cloud customers get free phone and email support for as long as they use the product.

On-Premise customers (those whose databases are kept on the customer's local network server or on a PC) are entitled to 30 days of free phone or email support after purchase. Annual Support agreements for On-Premise customers are also available by clicking here.

Help for current products and the software that runs them

TimePilot Extreme Blue II Enhanced

TimePilot Extreme Blue Enhanced

TimePilot Extreme Blue

TimePilot Extreme Blue

TimePilot Vetro

TimePilot Vetro

TimePilot Tap+

TimePilot Tap

TimePilot Central 5 screenshot

TimePilot Central 5 Software
(including TimePilot Mobile
and TimePilot PC apps)


What version of the TimePilot software do I have? What's my serial number? Here's how to find out.

TimePilot software downloads

TimePilot Payroll Software/Payroll Service Exports

TimePilot frequently asked questions

Our blog: On the Clock

Click here to visit our popular blog, On the Clock, which includes:

  • Articles that show how to use TimePilot software.
  • Frequently asked questions from our customers.
  • Tips on how to make your business more profitable and your employees happier and more productive.

TimePilot Times newsletter

Our newsletter is published several times a year and includes how-to articles about the TimePilot software, questions from customers and answers from our tech support specialists and more.