FAQs—General Questions


Q. Why should I buy TimePilot instead of a competitor?

A. Lots of reasons: TimePilot systems tend to be less expensive than similar systems, offer more features and require virtually no maintenance (unlike punchclocks!).

Other reasons:

  • The iButton. Employees and supervisors like the iButton—it isn't bulky like a magstripe or bar code card, is virtually indestructible, doesn't make employees give up biometric data and can be reused as employees leave the company or are hired.
  • High capacity. TimePilot Extreme Blue and TimePilot Tap can each handle thousands of employees; each TimePilot Vetro clock can handle up to 500. Many of our competitors' systems have far lower limits on the number of employees.
  • Flexibility: TimePilot's time clock products can be combined into a complete time and attendance system for all of your employees. A Cloud Edition customer could have TimePilot PC on the computer screens in their office, TimePilot Vetro on the wall of the shop, TimePilot Extreme Blue at the remote worksite, TimePilot Mobile on traveling employees' phones, and TimePilot Tap in their trucks, all feeding their clock-in and clock-out data to your supervisors.

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Q. Do you install the TimePilot systems?

A. We've designed the systems to be installed by the user. If you can hang a picture and plug in a telephone, you can do it. When you install the TimePilot software for the first time, a wizard takes you step by step through the setup process, giving you tips on how to make the right choices for your business. And, of course, you have free support—30 days for On-Premise Edition customers and unlimited for Cloud Edition customers—with our support technicians, who can guide you through the installation if you have any questions. There are complete instructions in the installation manuals and Quick Start Guides; to view them, click here.

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Q. Do I need to use the iButton for the system to work?

A. Only with TimePilot Extreme Blue/Extreme Blue Enhanced and TimePilot Tap, because they don't come with a keypad. With TimePilot Vetro and TimePilot PC, you don't need to use the iButton at all. All employees can be assigned an ID number that they can enter on the keypad to clock in and out. The iButton is purely an option on these systems, although many of our customers like using iButtons and we recommend it to discourage "buddy-punching."

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Q. Do you interface with ADP payroll software?

A. Yes. TimePilot can export data than can be read by ADP Run and ADP Workforce software. We also interface with many other brands of accounting and payroll software and services. For a list, click here.

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Q. Does TimePilot work on systems running Citrix or Terminal Server?

A. It's not supported, but you may find it works for you. TimePilot hardware-based systems (Extreme Blue, Vetro and Tap) come with a 30-day, no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. For details on our money-back guarantee, click here.

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Q. I just want to replace my punchclock with something that's faster and needs less maintenance. I don't need to use it with a payroll program. Is TimePilot the system for me?

A. It sure is! TimePilot Extreme Blue and Extreme Blue Enhanced, TimePilot Tap, TimePilot Vetro and TimePilot PC are much faster than a punchclock system and require virtually no maintenance. Just think: No need to buy cards, no ink to refill and no hours wasted calculating employee times! They can create a simple report listing your employees and their work hours or a more detailed report with as many as 100 different categories. You don't need to use our systems with payroll software, but if you ever decide to go to a payroll program, TimePilot will be ready for you.

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Q. What reports can the TimePilot software create?

A. Reports come in three main categories—Employee Report, Summary Report and Tardy Report—all of which include multiple options. For a complete description, please click here.

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Q. My employees are on salary. How can TimePilot help me?

A. Do you know if your salaried employees are putting in a full workweek? Using TimePilot, you can find out.

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